It’s been years… now she’s 7

I think about this blog all the time. I wish I had spent the time over the years to write all the little stories, thoughts and feelings about having a daughter and my experience with her. To be honest, I felt overwhelmed, too distracted to write. Now I’m busier than ever and yet I feel…

And Now She’s Six.

I clearly fell away from writing for awhile. I regret that because I was hoping to use this blog as a way of recording all the things we did together and the funny things or smart things or wild things that we experienced throughout her childhood. I dropped the ball. Guess what though? It is…

It’s been awhile…

I know it has been a while since I’ve written. It’s been a very busy year this year, as well as the end of last year. When I started this blog it was summer and there wasn’t a lot going on, but starting in September I took two courses at BCIT in interior design and…

Final Exam and Oh the Stress…

I’m pretty sure that I have mentioned at least once in the past posts I’ve made here, that I’ve been going to school for interior design. Its been really great! I love learning about base building and fabrics etc, and even though its been tough, the communications class as well. The first problem I’ve found…

Loving your Mamma.

It’s nearly 7 am. I try to avoid waking up this early if I can. I need my beauty sleep these days. I mean I always need my sleep but now in my 40’s with a toddler, I need my sleep even more than ever. Being somewhat rested, (slept most of the night for once)…

Qualicum, Coffee and the Beach…

It was 5 am and I literally had 1.5 ft of the edge of my mattress. This is what it is like every night. Usually, it’s a king-sized bed. I could move her, but then she’d wake up, and she might not go back to sleep. Do I risk it? … Yes, I did. She…


I’ve been tossed up lately about what to call this blog. What is it really about? Who am I? What do I represent? What do I want to say? And to whom? I think I’m finding myself in this mess of my 40’s. I’m a mom and that’s the biggest part, but there are so…

4th Anniversary Surprise Weekend Away

Wow! My husband SPOILED me! And by me I mean me, my mom AND my daughter! (I did choose no new floors for now over this epic weekend, but it was soooo worth it!). We haven’t had a ton of family time this summer as Michael and I have both been so busy with home…

When Friends are Truly Friends…

I realize that I’ve already written a post today, but maybe this will make up for all the days I was too occupied living life to put it on paper. The irony is that no sooner had I published my last post, that I had this heart wrenching experience, giving me another topic to share….

Emotional Days…

Do you ever just feel emotional and think ‘why am I feeling sad?’ No reason visible in your day for feeling that way, just emotional. Your eyes are teary, you cry at every little heartfelt story… Like last week, when my mom told me of my sisters friend who helped an old man huffing up…